i Description The Taylor Michaels Scholarship Program, founded in 1998, is aptly named after Taylor Michaels, the inspiring Chief Operating Officer for Magic Johnson Enterprises who passed away during that year. Throughout her life, Taylor displayed an intense...
Description The Gates Millennium Scholars (GMS) Program, funded by a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, was established in 1999 to provide outstanding African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian Pacific Islander American, and...
l Description The SMA Native American STEM Scholarship awards Native American students pursuing a four-year degree in in STEM–Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Scholarship Sponsor Souder Miller & Associates (SMA) and Granite...
c Description The Student Relations Committee established a new scholarship endowment in 1994 to honor the National Alumni Society’s Distinguished Alumni Award winners. Funds for the establishment of this endowment were generated by the NAS’s special fundraising...
c Description The American Indian Education Fund Undergraduate Scholarship service supports educational opportunities for American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian students. Scholarship Sponsor The American Indian Education Fund Award Type $2000 Cash...