Pacific Gas & Electric Company Veterans ERG Scholarship

 Description Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is offering Better Together STEM Scholarships of $2,500 or $10,000 to students pursuing science, technology or engineering studies at universities in California. Students must be California residents and...

OCCACCF Scholarship

i Description Orange County Chinese-American Chamber of Commerce Foundation (‘OCCACCF’) is committed to helping our community by reaching out to those students who have succeeded both inside and outside of the classroom- but may not be able to attend college...

OCCACC Scholarship

i Description OCCACC Foundation is committed to helping our community by reaching out to those students who have succeeded both inside and outside of the classtoom – but may not be able to attend college without financial assistance Scholarship Sponsor...

The Marie A. Calderilla Scholarship

l Description The Marie A. Calderilla Scholarship is for female students currently enrolled or planning to attend a college within the San Mateo County Community College District. Applicants must be female graduating high school seniors or re-entry students...

SILA Graduate Student Fellowship Award

c Description This will be awarded to a woman in graduate study during the next academic year. The scholarship is open to women who are citizens of the United States and residents of the State of California. All areas of study are accepted, but consideration will...
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