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Buenaventura Scholarship

CCSD Nevada High school seniors who have completed three years or more of a foreign language and have a 3.1 or higher GPA. Student must be planning to attend UNR as a full time student. One scholarship in the amount of $500.00 will be awarded.Scholarship Sponsor The...

Chief Warrant Officer John A. Keller Scholarship

The CWO John A. Keller, Chief Warrant and Warrant Officers Association Scholarship Grant was established to financially assist dependent children of members in good standing or who were members in good standing of the CWOA, United States Coast Guard at the time of...

Arnold/Jones/Evans 2020 Scholarship Fund

Nevada high school seniors in the graduating class of 2021 with a 2.0 or higher GPA may apply for this scholarship One parent must be an active or retired member in good standing of any local union affiliated with the Nevada State AFL-CIO. Student must be planning to...

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