
The Army Engineer Memorial Awards were established in 1973 as a living memorial to Engineer Officers killed in Vietnam and are given annually to honor all Engineer Officers who died in the line of duty.

Scholarship Sponsor

Army Engineer Spouses’ Club

Award Type

$2,000 Cash

Gender Eligibility


Other Requirements/Criteria

Geographic Criteria: US Citizen
Criteria / Requirements:  A candidate for an award may be any graduating high school senior who is a citizen of the United States and whose sponsor, parent, or legal guardian is a U.S. Army Engineer (active duty, retired or deceased), National Guard U.S. Army Engineer, Reserve U. S. Army Engineer, or current Department of the Army employee of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), as well as a current member of the Army Engineer Spouses Club. The merit based awards are open to students in all fields of study and are based on academic and extracurricular achievement during high school.

Contact Information:

Contact Info – URL:

Contact Info – Email: [email protected]


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