Description The Paul S. Mills Scholarship program offers scholarships to students pursuing an undergraduate education in a financial service related field. This may include finance, accounting, insurance or risk management, actuarial sciences, and personal...
Description Pacific Collection Group’s Annual Scholarship – Pacific Collection Group is offering a $1,000 scholarship to any undergraduate or graduate student pursuits a career in business or legal based educational programs. Scholarship Sponsor...
Description NOGLSTP established the Out To Innovate Scholarships for LGBTQ STEM students which are intended for undergraduate and graduate students pursuing degrees in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) programs who are either lesbian,...
i Description The NSA Scholarship Foundation Scholarship assists dedicated students who are committed to a career in accounting by providing financial assistance to support their education. Scholarship Sponsor National Society of Accountants Award Type $2,200...
l Description The National Dairy Shrine Junior Merit Scholarship is to encourage qualified undergraduate students to pursue careers in the dairy industry or related occupations. Scholarship Sponsor National Dairy Shrine Award Type $1,500 Cash Gender Eligibility...