v Description LAGRANT Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship recipients will receive a trip to NYC where they will participate in career building activities including a welcome dinner with a keynote speaker, two daylong career & professional development...
w Description The Illustrating Awesomeness Scholarship is an opportunity for young women or gender no-confirming individuals of color who are actively working to change the world. Scholarship Sponsor Next Day Animations Award Type $750 Cash Gender Eligibility...
i Description In addition to receiving a $10,000 Vinson & Elkins Scholarship, each V&E Scholar is offered summer internships. To be eligible to become a Vinson & Elkins Scholar, students must attend and be in good standing at a high school...
Z Description The Jackie Robinson Foundation provides scholarships of up to $30,000/four years to minority high school students showing leadership potential and demonstrating financial need to attend an accredited four-year college or university of their choice....
Description The Wynetta A. Frazier “Sister-to-Sister” Scholarship was created to provide financial assistance to mature African American women in their pursuit of post-secondary education. Scholarship Sponsor NHBW, Inc. Award Type $500 Cash Gender...