i Description Augustana College invites graduating high school seniors who possess strong records of academic achievement and have demonstrated exceptional leadership to their school and community to participate in the Distinguished Scholars Competition, the...
Description The Freshman Scholarship Application is directed toward local students in the Canton-Massillon area who are embarking on a career in metallurgy, materials science or other engineering/science disciplines. Scholarship Sponsor ASM International...
Description The Actuarial Diversity Scholarship promotes diversity within the profession through an annual scholarship program for Black/African American, Hispanic, Native North American and Pacific Islander students. Scholarship Sponsor The Actuarial...
l Description In an effort to support the field of speech-language pathology, we are offering a scholarship to select candidates who share our passion for helping children. The scholarship is based on many factors, so do not get discouraged based on your grades...
Description The ACF Woodcock Family Education Scholarship Program was established in 1993 by Albuquerque businessman C.E. (Woody) Woodcock and his wife, Dixie, to support students of exceptional promise in the fields of science and math. Intended for students...
l Description It is with great pleasure that the Junior League of Baltimore, Inc. offers the annual Young Woman Voluntarism Scholarship. This annual scholarship program awards $1,000 to a Maryland female graduating senior who has performed outstanding volunteer...