Description The NDSGC has established the prestigious Pearl I. Young Space Grant Award for a student at the University of North Dakota. Applicants will ideally be involved in a research project of NASA relevance. Eligible applicants must: have female gender...
l Description The NDSGC has established the prestigious Lillian Goettler Space Grant Award for a female student at North Dakota State University. Applicants must be majoring in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics) field Scholarship Sponsor ND...
l Description The Mildred C. Hanson, SIOR Memorial Fund awards up to $4,000 in scholarship funds to a qualified rising junior or senior female student enrolled in a program of study designed in pursuit of an undergraduate degree in an accredited four-year college...
i Description The Marian Othmer Schultz Scholarship is for members of the Alpha Epsilon chapter of Alpha Delta Pi sorority at University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Applicants must be a junior or senior level student the following fall semester. The applicant must have...
l Description To enable women to return to physics research careers after having had to interrupt those careers. The fellowship consists of a one-year award of up to $45,000. Allowed expenses include dependent care (limited to 50% of the award), salary, travel,...