

The Danish Sisterhood of America is very proud of its Scholarship and Grant Program. We have four different scholarships, one of which presently offers eight awards per year, and one grant program offering ten awards annually – five are given in February (the “January Round”) and five in September (the “August Round”).

Scholarship Sponsor

The Danish Sisterhood of America

Award Type

$850 Cash

Gender Eligibility


Other Requirements/Criteria

Geographic Criteria: USA
Criteria / Requirements: To be eligible for the Elizabeth Garde National Scholarship, applicants must have a 3.0 GPA and be a post- high school student or graduate student seeking a degree in nursing or other medical professions and be a member of the Danish Sisterhood or one of their children, regardless of age.

Contact Information:

Contact Info – Phone #: 612-390-1374

Contact Info – URL: http://www.danishsisterhood.org/scholarships-grants.html

Contact Info – Email: [email protected]


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